Thursday, April 29, 2010

Columbus Trip: Cosi, Zoo!

Cosi, and Columbus Zoo!
I feel awkward just now posting this, even though it was around about two weeks ago that I went haha. It was a big girls-only trip with my mother, little sister, Aunt Karrin, and two cousins. Peyton, the youngest of the two, is absolutely darling! My aunt adopted her from China, and boy is she just a pill! She had a cleft pallette, but despite her inability to pronounce things right, she's got the most colorful vocabulary! My mother asked her if she liked spicy food, and she said, "I think not!" Keep in mind, she's three!

I really wish I hadn't forgot my camera for cosi, but luckily I remembered to bring it to the zoo! I was really inspired by the apes and bonobos. Seeing the interactions between the great apes is amazing, they really are so humanoid. It kills me in my heart to know that their homes are being killed, and their families, butchered for meat. More people need to realize that these gorgeous creatures, our cousins, are disappearing. At cosi, we watched a movie about Jane Austen. One clip really got me- She was discussing the discovery of chimps fashioning tools out of sticks to collect ants and eat them. The most remarkable thing about this was that, at that time, the only thing in the dictionary separating humans and chimps was the fact that humans could use tools. Now that it was found that chimps DID in fact use tools, what difference would be made? It seemed that the only thing to do would be to give an ape human rights.
My aunt is currently working on a rescue habitat for chimps saved from animal testing facilities. It's amazing, really, seeing it in construction...
Here are some pictures I took of the apes and bonobos:

^These two were having tons of fun playing all over...

...while dad looked was so sweet!

^Bonobo mother and child

^If you look really close here, you'll see the top of the tiny infant's head!

I also really loved the manatees. The only had two females, though :( :

The saltwater tanks:

These clams were so beautiful, and almost the size of me!

Maybe it's just a divers' thing, but there just something about the ocean that is so beautiful...its so quiet, yet so full of life...completely stunning...i just feel like I have this connection with the sea... Anyone else have this feeling?
some other misc. photos of beautiul birds, etc:

And here was my outfit for the day:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our dogs are an adorable little couple. Our newfoundland Wyatt is larger than me, and has taken to caring for mazy, our lil fluffy weiner dog puppy. She's so sweet and he knows just how to take care of her. She has a little rope and he has a big one, and she cant get a good enough hold on his, so he gets a hold of hers in the tip of his teeth, and teases her, then waits for her to get a good hold on it, tugs her around, then lets her go, then she runs around the couch, lets him take it off her, and the cycle repeats. Its so sweet how he could throw her all over and kill her, but He's so gentle and loving...he just got tired and layed down and she curled up in his tummy...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I aspire...

To earn a Sunshine Award...maybe someday... :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Doesn't REALLY exist!
We were discussing this in english class, and it's a topic that is continually reocurring everywhere. I've noticed it on chictopia, in school, and just listening in on conversations around me in public.

Basically, i've reached one conclusion from all the opinions i've gathered...

Conformity is a cycle.

To conform is a terrible thing, so we become nonconformist. But in our nonconformity, we're all conforming to each other's nonconformity.
Look at the goths, to use stereotypes, which i don't typically believe in, but i'm just making a point. These are people who all fight to be different, but in reality, they're all the same, and they're all conforming to their idea of breaking the system.
I believe true nonconformity comes from conforming to everything. In short, being who you want to be.

In the song Admit it!!! by Say Anything, the singer addresses this. It's hard to explain in my own words, so here is the youtube:

And why don't we reference the ultimate nonconformist who conformed, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Conformity is the enemy of originality. However, to completely reject conformity is not only impossible, it ruins your human experience. He contradicts himself, and even addressed it once. He said that one must live fully, and express himself. He said that to be great is to be misunderstood. In this he meant, one day, think one thing, but then, when you have some sort of epiphany that evening, the next day, feel free to contradict yourself, even though people will misunderstand you, because you need to live freely and speak everything you believe, loud and clear. You need to be yourself. Let others catch up to you.
This guy who screwed me over once is now sporting a mohawk...the worst thing looks really good. I hate him.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sometimes when i wake up, i feel like courtne love. Ive got makeup down my face, my hair is a piecey greasy mess, yet still sexy, and i have the faintest feeling that my boyfriend is still a total druggie. This probably isn't a great way to start my morning, but as soon as i hop in the shower, i feel relatively sane. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Love Polyvore!

Great For Inspiration!

Find me on Polyvore

It's kinda addictiing, and great for inspiration when i'm stuck and can't figure out what to wear!
Not to mention, its a more entertaining way to make a wishlist!
I've printed a few out and have them tacked all over my walls haha.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Weight Loss Ideas!

I'm NOT Gonna Get Skinny!

No, at this point, i'm tired of being focused on being "skinny." People are always talking about how girls need "bodypeace" and need to be comfortable in their own skin, then shove all these weight loss ideas in their face and tell them they need to be skinny. Its even in Seventeen magazine.

You see, what we girls need to do is BE HEALTHY. Not skinny, not super pretty, but healthy. If you're struggling to keep your weight DOWN, you're not healthy. I obviously feel the need to lose about fifteen pounds or so. I want to be down to about a size twelve, because I've adopted this philosophy:
1. If you're limiting everything you eat, you're killing happiness, because you're constantly concious of every little thing that goes into your body, and you're not letting yourself be free to have a healthy relationship with food.
2. Everyone has a set point, where they'll be happy and healthy all their life if they follow it
3. just because you're 180 pounds doesn't mean youre obese or fat. you could naturally be thicker, or have a lot of muscle on you. pay little attention to that scale.

Lately, i've been thinking back on a book i read some time ago...Hungry by Crystal Renn:
She will be an inspiration my whole life through.

So i've decided to do this:
1. Eat in moderation. I want to enjoy all the foods i like, i just wont be eating them in all these large proportions that don't fit in my tummy just because they taste good
2. only eat when i'm hungry. i want to train my brain to know that if i need food, i'm going to get it. i want food to make me happy and nourish me, but i don't want it to be a crutch for depression or boredom. that's where art will come in in my life
3. no more soda. i want to try and start to eat organic, so that i know what is going into my body is meant to be in there.
4. i'm going to focus more of my stress and needs into this blog and into my artwork. i want to be successful, and i'm going to utilize everything i can to reach that goal.

I hope i've helped to inspire some of you, and maybe even show you a better way to feel better :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Very First...High School Style Profile...The Loooovelyyyy.....CHICA!!!!

Her Name Is Really Sarah, But We'll Call Her Chica
She's so much fun, and really reflects that in her style, and she's an inspiration for me every day :) So I thought I'd feature her as my first High School Style Profile!
Chic is a junior like myself, and has a fun, eclectic, and predominatly punky style. In my opinion, she's the ultimate risk taker.
Her personal uniform tends to be one of her brother's various henlys, her usual pair of converse or vintage pastel sneakers, and brightly colored jeans! But she mixes it up with fun things like mustard sweater vests, argyle sock, pegged pants, and unique layering.
She has her days or sweat pants and hoodies, but for the most part, she has fun being herself, and I find it amazing that for the most part, she really doesn't put much thought at all into her crazy concoctions!
I will be posting more outfits of hers soon, as well as a few of my own!


My Stepsister's Friend's Father Got Them In India

They're extremely pretty, and I really would like to add more to this post elaborating on how to wear i'm going to expiriment then give a full tutorial on how to rock these pretty little stick-ons :)

They're gold and red with little swirly curly dragons :)