Her Name Is Really Sarah, But We'll Call Her Chica
She's so much fun, and really reflects that in her style, and she's an inspiration for me every day :) So I thought I'd feature her as my first High School Style Profile!
Chic is a junior like myself, and has a fun, eclectic, and predominatly punky style. In my opinion, she's the ultimate risk taker.
Her personal uniform tends to be one of her brother's various henlys, her usual pair of converse or vintage pastel sneakers, and brightly colored jeans! But she mixes it up with fun things like mustard sweater vests, argyle sock, pegged pants, and unique layering.
She has her days or sweat pants and hoodies, but for the most part, she has fun being herself, and I find it amazing that for the most part, she really doesn't put much thought at all into her crazy concoctions!
I will be posting more outfits of hers soon, as well as a few of my own!
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